Thursday, February 11, 2010

Handling Criticism

It is our common experience that evryone around us has a habit of critcizing for most of the things that we are doing. Well I guarantees that if you are doing anything that others in the society are not doing, You will be criticized.
Just remember this, that if you are thinking to do something that is really commendable then first prepare yourself mentally to rise above what others think about you. Whatever great has ever been done, it has to pass through these stages

1. Ignorance(Nobody is goint to notice you).
2. Ridicule.
3. Acceptance.(When you have acheived what You said.)

One difference between winner ansd loser is that how much criticism one can handle. Whenever you are criticzed just think that at least you are being noticed. So , its better to be criticized than not to be talked at about all.

let me tell you about Marconi. when he suggested the idea of transfering messgaes through the air(ether in scientific terms), everyone made fun of him.
He was sent to mental hospital when he announce that he has discovered a technique in reality to transfer the signals throught the air. But, look at todays world, can it be imagined without his contribution. If Marconi would not have been so great to handle criticisms, then today our world would have been without radio, tv, etc,etc. Great things are acheived at Great costs.

I am also telling you by my personal experience that whenever I share my dreams of being an enterpreneur(as I believe in Thinking Big) among my friends, they do make fun of me, but it is only making me stronger everyday and I am more determined to acheive my aim.
So make criticism your power and show the world what you are capable of, afterall the Limit of what you can acheive in your life is defined by you only and no one else.
Its your life, live in the manner you want to live and do not give the fuck what others are thinking about you.

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