Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Controlling Your Mind

Well the most difficult thing in the world is to "Control your thoughts as far as I know."A person who can control his thoughts reaches the state of infinite Intelligence because now nothing in the world can trouble him and He is above all.
such persons are worshipped.
For example, Jesus Christ in my view was nothing more than a common man except that he has contro lover what he thinks. He did not thought anything that he should'nt and that is the reason why he is worshipped. Mother Teresa controlled her thoughts and rose above material possessions of the world so that she can do a great service to the human world.

Everyone respects the person who have full control over his mind, sooner or later.

But the question arises how can we control our thoughts. No scientist can give the answer to this question because it is not the thing that is visible, it is in the inner being of the human world. Well i am a no philosopher but Whatever I write are direct from my heart, so i feel that we can control our thought by regularly following these practises:

1. First try to make a list of all thoughts that are coming to your mind.
2. Out of those select those thoughts that you believe should not arise in your mind, then from the next day if any of those arises just try to replace it with a better thought.
3. Keep on practising it and I know there is a good chance that slowly n slowly you will have a full control over your thoughts.
Just remember one thing that it is very easy to let your mind gets affected by Negative thoughts, our mind is much more prone to it, and it requires a great effort to always have proper thoughts in your mind, For this Always try autosuggestion(A practise where you ask yourselves whether you are on the right track or not).
In my view these are some of the thoughts that you should not allow at any cost to enter in your mind
Fear, Jealousy, Hatred, Revenge, Greed, superstiton, Anger,Worry.

Faith and fear are poor bedfellows, where one exists other cannot.

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