Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have always wondered throughout my life. What is real education?
and honestly speaking, I think it is a very tough question to answer, far difficult than my all engineering assignments.
I continuously think about the times when Gurukul system was prevailing in various parts of the world where the students were taught about compassion, justice, discipline. No bookjs were there and students only need to follow GURU's instructions. But slowly and slowly as time passes, As European Countries gained control, they started modifying the whole education system in their culture and the whiole education system went under revolutionary changes.
  Nowadays, Education basically means having bookish knowledge, Competition is taught over compassion, selfishness is preferred over co-operation, meaning of diiscipline has also changed.
I agree that as far as bookish knowledge is concerned, today's students are far ahead but what about - Compassion, Love, Co-operation, Justice? Where are these taught? Nowhere.
So what is the use of education without these human values, these principles actually governs one's life. The real education is one which imparts these essential features in one's subconscious mind.
I am quite sure that you must have observed in day to day living, that An academically brillant student is treated with more respect as compared to others despite the fact that others may be faer ahead in human values.
do not get me wrong, I don't mean to say that it is wrong to be a topper, but not at the cost of human values. Sorry , but I rejects that kind of education.
Today's education system is introducing kind of inferirity complex in the youth. That is why suicide rates have jumped and they are bound to increase if we allow the same education system to continue. today, failure in exam is treated as failure in life. But is it so, in reality , NO.
History have shown that there have persons Like Henry Ford who have reached greater heights without any proper SCHOOL Education. I have highlighted school to make a point, that actually , he is one of the most knowledgeable persons in the world Because he has knowledge about persistence, attitude, and various other qualities that actually governs our life.
So there is much more to the scene than the things which are taught to us in scholls and colleges.

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