Monday, February 22, 2010


I was talking to one of my friends, suddenly he said to me that "Ankit yaar, I have failed in my life."
His statement let me in thinking state. I was wondering that at the age of 23 how can he comment that he has failed in life that he has failed when still there are at least 40 years more in his life.
What is failure, Well In our dictionary there should be no word as failure,
Sachin Tendulkar in an interview said that there is nothing wrong in getting out at 0 because it teaches me more than when I makes a century, so just take every unsuccesful unattempt as a chance to learn. The key to success is persisitence.
You don't believe me, Then you should just once look at Edison, He has actually failed ten thousand times before making the greatest discovery of modern age(Light). When he was asked about this, he very lightly commented, I am the most knowledgeable person in the world because I know ten thousand ways ny which Light cannot be made, is there anyone else with such a great knowledge??

Sorry do not get me wrong , I am not saying that failing is a good thing and should always try to Fail in life, i only mean to say that Give your best at each shot and if things dont turn out as expected, then see how can you improve the process. After all a mistake is only a mistake if it gets repeated.
So, failure is only a state of mind and nothing more than that. You have not failed until you have quit trying, The only mistake we do that we see failure from other's people view, not from our perspective. others say, You have failed, We start to think that yes we have failed.
So evrytime you are not successful, think of it as oppurtunity provided to You by GOD to learn more and more so that you are successful in future and rise to great heights that others can only dream off.
Well in the end I would only like to comment(I have to go as now the time of my class has come)
"A person who says he has not failed in Life menas to say that he has never tried anything new in his life."

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