Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thoughts And Actions

Everyday , you will meet many persons about whom you might comment "He talks great things but do not convert it into actions." and starts making fun of him but in my view, this person is better than many beacuse at least He is thinking and talking big, so sooner or later there is a chance there is a chance that he might execute them.
He is better than many who says we believe in reality and thus are afraid to even think Big or doing great things, and believe me thay are also not going to do anything spectacular beacuse there rhinking is not BIG. Afterall "Thoughts covert into actions.", so thinking is the first step for any action.
That is why its said "A man is not known by his family background,education,money,etc. but by the size of his Thinking."
In my personal view , there is nothing wrong in dreaming because it may or may not be converted into reality but if you are not dreaming, then there is no chance for anything to happen.Dreams are the startup for every action.So , to do great things, dream BIG. this is the first step.

Those who dream small, accomplish little ,
Those who dream BIG, only they can accomplish much.

So, persons who say that they live in a practical World and thus do not dreams, i believe that they are the most Impractical persons . It is your dream that makes you to act , Lance Armstrong dreamt to be Tour De France champion, then only he was able to overcome cancer and become the greatest cyclist of all times. When he proclaimed that he will be champion, at that time He was in Bed as he had Cancer so People do made fun of Him but later on he proved his point.The persons who are dreamers, actually only they are who leave a Legacy behind.
I agree that "A smallest deed is better than the grandest intention" but the seedling for that deed is also a thought. "Your thoughts convert into actions."
Every person who does great things has to pass through these stages
1. Ignorance .
2. Humour and criticism.
3. Finally, if you are successful then acceptance.

I strongly recommend all of you to read the book "The Magic Of thinking Big "
by David A. Schwartz.

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