Thursday, April 22, 2010

Criticizing others

How often we use to say that the other person is jealous of me, or he is selfish , etc .and so on.
Well , my only question to them is -> who gives you the right top say things like that about others ?? I am also guilty of the above accusation, but I totally believe that its totally wrong of anyone to make comments about others. Whenever we make comments, about others , we should remember that characteristic is also a part of us.

Let me make myself more clear, for e.g. whenever we say that the other person is jealous , to make that comment we have to know what jealousy is ,and to know that we have also been jealous of some person for sure in the past, So whatever we say about others (whether good or bad) that is nothing more than the reflection of our own personality traits.
A person who gossips with you , also gossips about you , in absence of you.
So , nowadays I am continuously trying to stop judging people , and showing more respect to everyone , whenever I says negative about anyone , I just says to myself that it is wrong on my part , so at that moment I will think about some good characteristic of that person. Every person is good around you in one or the other way.

Small person talks about persons, average person talks about things and great person talks about ideas.

What you believe is true, only that is true for You. So , if you think nice thoughts about others , the Universe will seem very nice to you.
It is very difficult (but not impossible) to have good thoughts about others, but there are some persons like that who always says good things about others.
At least I know one(He is my friend Uma Sankar Pradhan here @ IIT). and that iswhy I respects him a lot.

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