Sunday, April 04, 2010


Passion is one of the most important words , to acheive real success or reach great heights, you have to have passion. my brothers always use to say that if in some book you are reading "Slow and steady wins the race" then just throw that book in the dustbin without any second thought, slow and steady can never help you win in the race of life.To win rhis race, you have to have passion and burning desire to do something great.
To have a passion like Albert Einstein or Sachin Tendulkar, you have to chose a field which you love. "Choose job you love and you never have to work anymore in life." This is actually what separates a person who is dissatisfied and a person who is divinely happy.
Everyone is different, so we all have different interests, it is necessary to find it and live according to it or else our life would be a hell, I am telling you this by my own experience.
Last semester, here I tried to do things for which I am not made for as everyone around me is doing that (Too much of study) and  I went into depression but in this semester I am enjoying myself in the same environment, WHY?? The only reason is that I am living life according to my own will and not according to anyone else.
Life is all about discovering what is inside us, find out our dreams and life is worth enough to spend it in trying to convert that dream into reality rather than living off someone else's life.
We can work with passion only if we are chasing our dream because only in that case, we will have enough motivation to overcome all the difficulties and hindrances that we encounter in the path, or else we will be very easily demotivated and  will quit.
I would like to repeat what I previously wrote ->
"Death is not the greatest loss, it is what dies inside us while we are living."