Monday, April 05, 2010

Is India Really developing??

Few days back, I read in the newspaper that  IPL is now only behind NBA and has beaten EPL in terms of highest paid leagues, but I was confused whether to feel proud of this fact or not.
I was in great dilemma because one part of my brain was saying to be proud of the fact that our nation is capable of organizing events of such large extents and our economy is also one of the largest in the world, but other part says that we also have to remember the great disparity that is existing there in India.
Imagine the contrast, one side in Mumbai we have great buildings, world class shopping malls, etc. but on the other hand we also have the world's largest slum in the same city. I remember last time when I travelled to Mumbai, I can say thatmore or less, I must have encountered twenty four beggars in my 24 hour journey, so is this what you call development.
Post Independence, everyone will say that India has developed a lot, That is only on the paper and facts may fool you also ,thus it is necessary to have careful analysis. In my view, development means overall development, it is a holistic process, not reductionist, In India it is totally reductionist.
Just think , If you take 10 rs. from 10 persons and give it to one person, and project that rich person as the image of the country, then has the country developed in reality, it is actually under-development.In India, still 70% of the children are malnourished, more than 50% of the family does not get proper food to eat, and on the other hand (including my IIT) lot of food is getting wasted.
India may be having world's richest family(Ambani brothers) but I am never proud of the fact because a country is not known by one person or 10% of the people but by the other 80% of the people and at present, there is no development for them.
If you want to see the true India, then just make a visit  to villages in U.P. or Bihar and see how people are living there. we all are very lucky to have such a luxuorious life but they are not.
To see the real deevelopment in the country, I can say that only one solution comes to my mind, Somehow we have to reduce the great difference between the rich and the poor, the great disparity existing between rural and urban area and it is the responsibility of each one of us so that India can become Heaven for each of our countrymen and not for only the higher strata of the society.

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