Thursday, April 22, 2010

Criticizing others

How often we use to say that the other person is jealous of me, or he is selfish , etc .and so on.
Well , my only question to them is -> who gives you the right top say things like that about others ?? I am also guilty of the above accusation, but I totally believe that its totally wrong of anyone to make comments about others. Whenever we make comments, about others , we should remember that characteristic is also a part of us.

Let me make myself more clear, for e.g. whenever we say that the other person is jealous , to make that comment we have to know what jealousy is ,and to know that we have also been jealous of some person for sure in the past, So whatever we say about others (whether good or bad) that is nothing more than the reflection of our own personality traits.
A person who gossips with you , also gossips about you , in absence of you.
So , nowadays I am continuously trying to stop judging people , and showing more respect to everyone , whenever I says negative about anyone , I just says to myself that it is wrong on my part , so at that moment I will think about some good characteristic of that person. Every person is good around you in one or the other way.

Small person talks about persons, average person talks about things and great person talks about ideas.

What you believe is true, only that is true for You. So , if you think nice thoughts about others , the Universe will seem very nice to you.
It is very difficult (but not impossible) to have good thoughts about others, but there are some persons like that who always says good things about others.
At least I know one(He is my friend Uma Sankar Pradhan here @ IIT). and that iswhy I respects him a lot.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My own views about IIT life.

Being a student of IIT, I feel that there is nothing wrong if I express what I feels about IIT.

As we all know, IITs are known throughout the world for their excellence , but is this the only thing that makes them popular throughout the world. In my view , NO.

The first day I reached there I the environment around was such that I started feeling that IIT means technical, I started to fear because I am not that much into technical. But as time passed , I realised that Technical is only a part here(though a very important part) but there is a lot of scope for other activities also. Actually, I believes that IITs are great because it gives you a chance to develop your potential in any field, in any field that you like.

For students like me, IIT is a phenomenal place. The kind of lectures (obviously I am talking about non-technical ones); some of them are really good and it helps a lot in widening your scope and horizon. I will remember the talks of Sanjeev Bikchandani, David Wittenburg, Tony Wheeler, etc. throughout my life because it did leave some amount of lasting effect on my mind.I can't forget that IIT has given me a chance to actually meet with the present German President(Hurst Koehler).

I must also say that the cultural events that are performed here have some class, all the sports are available here to play and enjoy. Thus I can say that IIT is about excellence in whatever you do, do it in a manner that one will remember it. It helps you in recognizing your inner-self so that you can have a great life ahead.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Human Potential

3 days before I was talking to one of my friends and he uttered "Ankit Yaar, the given thing is not in my potential. " and I started wondering Is it so? Are potentials limited, the dirst answer that came to my mind is no but still I decided to look deeply why he has commented like that because I must say that he is a tough person, and I found out that although he has tried very Hard but still I believe he could have tried a bit harder  and it is a matter of not trying enough and not potential.Afterall, we own define our limits and nobody else, Don't believe me , then whenever you have time just read about Wilma Rudolph.
I remember that when I was in 12th class, and I said to Piyush Srivastava(2005 All India IIT topper) that I know that I cant qualify for IIT, then he said that Ankit, you can and everyone else can, the person who qualifies IIT are no different from you except that they devote more time to studies.
So that day , I realised that It is only a matter of our Attitude and it has nothing to do with the potential, "Your attitude determines your Altitude."
Whenever we fails, we should take it asd a experience and always give one more effort, whenever We plans to quit, We should ask ourselves a following question
"Have we tried enough before quitting" and I can guarantee that if you are truthful to yourself then the Answer will come No, we haven't.
"A quitter never wins and a WINNER NEVER QUITS."
"Think of the intangibles you value first and let them determine the tangibles."
A person becomes a loser only on the day he quits trying because winners are actually losers who recovered and  decided to give it one more shot.So there is nothing like limited Potential , the potential is limitless, "What a mind can conceive, it can acheive."The only thing required is unlimited effort, So chase your dreams  and keeps on chasing it until the dream is converted into reality or you die, "It is better to die in pursuit of a dream than to die without a dream."
and I am sure that the former will be the reality.

"Our deepest fear is not this that we are inadequate, but it is tah twe are powerful beyond measures. It is our light and not the darkness that frightens us the most."

Thoughts And Actions

Everyday , you will meet many persons about whom you might comment "He talks great things but do not convert it into actions." and starts making fun of him but in my view, this person is better than many beacuse at least He is thinking and talking big, so sooner or later there is a chance there is a chance that he might execute them.
He is better than many who says we believe in reality and thus are afraid to even think Big or doing great things, and believe me thay are also not going to do anything spectacular beacuse there rhinking is not BIG. Afterall "Thoughts covert into actions.", so thinking is the first step for any action.
That is why its said "A man is not known by his family background,education,money,etc. but by the size of his Thinking."
In my personal view , there is nothing wrong in dreaming because it may or may not be converted into reality but if you are not dreaming, then there is no chance for anything to happen.Dreams are the startup for every action.So , to do great things, dream BIG. this is the first step.

Those who dream small, accomplish little ,
Those who dream BIG, only they can accomplish much.

So, persons who say that they live in a practical World and thus do not dreams, i believe that they are the most Impractical persons . It is your dream that makes you to act , Lance Armstrong dreamt to be Tour De France champion, then only he was able to overcome cancer and become the greatest cyclist of all times. When he proclaimed that he will be champion, at that time He was in Bed as he had Cancer so People do made fun of Him but later on he proved his point.The persons who are dreamers, actually only they are who leave a Legacy behind.
I agree that "A smallest deed is better than the grandest intention" but the seedling for that deed is also a thought. "Your thoughts convert into actions."
Every person who does great things has to pass through these stages
1. Ignorance .
2. Humour and criticism.
3. Finally, if you are successful then acceptance.

I strongly recommend all of you to read the book "The Magic Of thinking Big "
by David A. Schwartz.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Is India Really developing??

Few days back, I read in the newspaper that  IPL is now only behind NBA and has beaten EPL in terms of highest paid leagues, but I was confused whether to feel proud of this fact or not.
I was in great dilemma because one part of my brain was saying to be proud of the fact that our nation is capable of organizing events of such large extents and our economy is also one of the largest in the world, but other part says that we also have to remember the great disparity that is existing there in India.
Imagine the contrast, one side in Mumbai we have great buildings, world class shopping malls, etc. but on the other hand we also have the world's largest slum in the same city. I remember last time when I travelled to Mumbai, I can say thatmore or less, I must have encountered twenty four beggars in my 24 hour journey, so is this what you call development.
Post Independence, everyone will say that India has developed a lot, That is only on the paper and facts may fool you also ,thus it is necessary to have careful analysis. In my view, development means overall development, it is a holistic process, not reductionist, In India it is totally reductionist.
Just think , If you take 10 rs. from 10 persons and give it to one person, and project that rich person as the image of the country, then has the country developed in reality, it is actually under-development.In India, still 70% of the children are malnourished, more than 50% of the family does not get proper food to eat, and on the other hand (including my IIT) lot of food is getting wasted.
India may be having world's richest family(Ambani brothers) but I am never proud of the fact because a country is not known by one person or 10% of the people but by the other 80% of the people and at present, there is no development for them.
If you want to see the true India, then just make a visit  to villages in U.P. or Bihar and see how people are living there. we all are very lucky to have such a luxuorious life but they are not.
To see the real deevelopment in the country, I can say that only one solution comes to my mind, Somehow we have to reduce the great difference between the rich and the poor, the great disparity existing between rural and urban area and it is the responsibility of each one of us so that India can become Heaven for each of our countrymen and not for only the higher strata of the society.

Sunday, April 04, 2010


Passion is one of the most important words , to acheive real success or reach great heights, you have to have passion. my brothers always use to say that if in some book you are reading "Slow and steady wins the race" then just throw that book in the dustbin without any second thought, slow and steady can never help you win in the race of life.To win rhis race, you have to have passion and burning desire to do something great.
To have a passion like Albert Einstein or Sachin Tendulkar, you have to chose a field which you love. "Choose job you love and you never have to work anymore in life." This is actually what separates a person who is dissatisfied and a person who is divinely happy.
Everyone is different, so we all have different interests, it is necessary to find it and live according to it or else our life would be a hell, I am telling you this by my own experience.
Last semester, here I tried to do things for which I am not made for as everyone around me is doing that (Too much of study) and  I went into depression but in this semester I am enjoying myself in the same environment, WHY?? The only reason is that I am living life according to my own will and not according to anyone else.
Life is all about discovering what is inside us, find out our dreams and life is worth enough to spend it in trying to convert that dream into reality rather than living off someone else's life.
We can work with passion only if we are chasing our dream because only in that case, we will have enough motivation to overcome all the difficulties and hindrances that we encounter in the path, or else we will be very easily demotivated and  will quit.
I would like to repeat what I previously wrote ->
"Death is not the greatest loss, it is what dies inside us while we are living."