Friday, March 25, 2011

Time utilization

This is the area where most of us fails. Everyone must have heard or uttered the phrases  like "I am short of time" , "24 hours in a day is not enough for me ", blah blah .., Is it actually true,  ? My brother always use to say "Ankit, Always Remember that a busiest person has the most time". I have always wondered that what he means by this statement but after a close look at his life I have understood what message he tries to convey to me. He is a person who is acheiving new milestones every now and then in his career and yet his life is not devoted to work only, he is an excellent badminton player , a very adventurous person at heart who has done all kinds of adventure sports , watches lot of movies, etc.Many a times, I become jealous of him, from where in the hell he gets time for everything. 
God provides us with enough time that if we utilize it in a proper manner then we will never fall short of time.The problem is not of  less time , but the problem lies in time management. Don't believe me , then look at the following :

Here are the calculations for a typical week:

Total available hours 24 hours X 7 days = 168 hours
Minus Average sleep 7 hours X 7 days = 49 hours
Total waking hours = 119 hours
Average time at office or study@IIT 8 hours X 6 days = 48 hours(maximum)
Average time commuting 2 hours X 6 days = 12 hours
Total work time = 60 hours
Total work time as % of waking hours 50% approximately
Free time available after accounting for work time and sleep time = 59 hours.
(calculations are not mine , it is copied from a website).

Are these 59 hours not enough to do all kinds of work. In my view, it is.Thus, time availibility shall never be an issue. Issue is that how we utilizes the time. What we do in these hours impact our life. My leadership guru Robin Sharma wrote "I agree you are busy, so are the ants, its more important what you are busy about."A research at Harvard University proves that "What we are in life is only due to 20% of our activities". I looked at my life , and I concluded for me, even 20% is too much. What I am is mainly due to studies , and I have not devoted not more than 10% of my entire life on studies. So , where would I have been if I would have devoted 20% of my life on studies (?..... only God knows).

In many case , the heart of the problem lies in procastination.It is one of the most dangerous  habits of life and a very common one too. We all devote too much time on things that do not matter to us all for various reasons. For e.g. Nowadays , I am devoting a lot of time on my project , but  am I really interested in that, No, not at all.In future , I do not have any plan to go into technical field, I know this, but still I am devoting my time in it. I have to agree that I am a fearful person. Why is Bill Gates so great ? It is not only due to his great brain, but the greater reason is that He is mentally so strong that he decided to quit school, (A person having such great mental strength is bound to acheive new heights of  success). He knows what he wants to do in life and devoted time towards it instead of wasting it in activities that do not matter to him at all. Imagine that if everyone of us can display this kind of courage and time utilization then what will be the face of World after 20-30 years. No one can even dream. It is very important that "We shall not schedule our priorities but instead schedule our priorities."

The day I have properly utilized my time , I have a goody goody feeling in my heart and feels satisfactory before going to bed. I am sure that must be the case with many of You. So , ask your heart that what you want to do in life and manage your time accordingly , from this moment only.

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