Be The Change You Want To see In the World , one of the most powerful quotations of all time. The wisdom in the quotation is timeless; it is as applicable today as it was in the time of Gandhi when he uttered those words.
As it is said that “The only thing that is constant is the change”, everyone around us talks about that in the world this should be changed, this should be done in that manner, etc, etc. Everyone in India is complaining about politics, corruption, etc. but how many good people are entering into politics. Martin Luther King rightly said that ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’ and this is happening today. The good persons are doing nothing except complaining between friends, family members, etc.
However, not all have realised that for change to take place, they must first change themselves. Do not seek without what we can find within. If we start out with the perception to change the world, then we would fail badly. But if we start by changing ourselves, the change in the world would come naturally and inevitable.
I am sharing a small film with you . Please see it, it is very inspirational. the boy may not know the above quotation by Gandhi or wouldn’t know that he was applying what Gandhi mentioned about being the change. It was a natural instinct that we often see in children; the ability to see things in a simple manner. We adults often complicate things while trying to come out with the best solution. He started out to be the change and in the process, he inspired others to follow suit.
Watch the Video
Starting to be the change we want to see in the world, we would also inspire change in the world which comes from within each individual. Children are our best hope of positively influencing the world to love and care for each other. To put aside differences and to focus on the similarities. Before that, we are still the prime influencing force affecting not only our children but the future of the world that they will be living in.We must be the change we want to see in the world.
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