Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Enjoy Life

Some days back , one of my friends said that "We should never take tension because life is another name for problems. "I totaaly agree with the first sentence but I refuse to accept the latter one.
It totally depends on one's perspective , the same circumstances that is problem for me might be an oppurtunity for you & vice-versa . As it is very rightly said -> "Two persons look through th same windoe, one see the mud, other see the stars."

I have personally noticed that many of us says that we will start enjoying the life only after the day we reach blah-blah  milestone. It is good to have determination but it doesn't mean that you do not value the most important gift given to you by God - "Ability to laugh and enjoy life." Afterall,"success is a journey and not destination."
Some days before , I saw a person near Sangam in my hometown,Allahabad whose physical disabilities is impossible  for me to describe but still he was possessing the divine smile on his face , I could not resist myself and went to ask him the reason , he simply replied Why to cry over things one cannot change , instead try to enjoy the things that you can".In other words, "Many of us cries over things that we do not have , that we forgets to focus on things that we do have."
So , the only thing to get the most out of the life is to look for the positive in each and everything and just dont pay attention to the negatives because "Every problem in itself an oppurtunity." This is one thing that separates the winners and losers. Don't believe me , just listen to words of John Milton (the poetry legend)whose major work came after he was blind , reason given by him "My blindness is a blessing in disguise, As ofnow I do not need to waste time in  other things around me and as a result I can concentrate more on thinking.

This is what a positive attitude can do for one . So just enjoy each and every moment of life because "Yesterday is gone, Future is mystery , Today is gift , that is why it is called present."
Well in my view "Life is another name for enjoyment and oppurtunities and not for problems."


  1. Rightly Said Ankit ..... Good writeup Keep it up

  2. Very true. There's always something to be glad about in life, we just have to make an effort to find it.
