Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Einstein said that "I am sure that God never plays dices."
That is he meant to say that there is nothing in the world as LUCK.
It is your preparation and attitude that is going to make you successful and not LUCK.

When Sachin score 200, many said that Sachin is a lucky person, but is it so?
I decided to look into the life of Sachin and found out that my perception of luck was true. Sachin was a person who used to practice 14 hours a day from the time when majority of us have not overcome the age of crying on petty things, there has been many days when he was so tired that he just sleeps on the dining table while eating the food, but he never compromised with his practice hours. Such a person is not lucky, he truly deserves what he is getting.
What is luck, in my view Luck is preparation and recognition of oppurtinites, bad luck is poor preparation or missed oppurtunities and nothing else.
By preparation I mean the extent to which you are ready to fully utilize the oppurtunity that comes your way.So just be active, be always on the lookout for oppurtunities and never compromise with your preapration, It is your attitude will make you, whatever you becomes. Everyone acknowledges the power of Hard work but how many of us really do hard work in our life, very few to the extent that is required and then we blame our luck .
Michelangelo said "If you look at my life then my acheivement will not seem wonderful." because he has sacrificed a lot for the fulfillment of his dream.
So the only way to turn the tide in your way is to have a great attitude. "Your attitude determines your Altitude."
How to recognize the oppurtunities?? Well I can't comment much on that because honestly speaking, till now I am preparing myself for the recognition of oppurtunity so that whenever it comes I can fully utilize it. I can only tell (may be I am wrong) what I am doing at the moment, I am trying to increase my knowledge of business, and does that devote some time in thinking of a great idea, hoping that one day it will come and I am prettysure that it will come,  I am writing down whatever I am thinking, at the moment I am trying to imagine as Einstein said "Imagination is far more important than knowledge." So, you can also do the same thing and I am very much sure a good idea will strike in your mind to work upon.

I will strongly suggest you to read the book "The magic of thinking Big" by David Schwartz.

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