One of my friends always use to say that "After the verb to love, to help is the most beautiful world." And I totally agrees with him, and also I believe that love and help go hand in hand , you only help a person when you love him and helping increases the love between the two.
What is help? Maybe my notation of help is different. I never say that showing pity is help, that' why giving the healtghy beggar money is not ht ehelp, but pity. help is when you make him able to make his own living. Helping and loving serves two purposes:
1. You are raised in your own eyes and that is why you feel better.
2. Life of other person improves in one or other way.
"If you cannot love the man, whom you can see, then how are you going to love the GOD whom you cannot see. "So, do not be a person who just goes to temple to worship God,bow headsand come back, but actually follow HIS teachings and realize it. The true worship is in the realization. Remember that "What you gives away, you keeps forever and what you keeps may be lost."
So, the true life is lived by a person who devotes his life in the well doing of others. here, I am not saying that you give all the money you have and becomes a saint. It can be in many ways. For e.g. Edison served by giving us light, gandhiji By independence, and so on.
In the end I would like to quote the following lines from ROBIN'S book "The saint, surfer and the Ceo."
"i expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kind of kindness or do good things, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. "
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