Sunday, January 31, 2010


The goal of the life is to be at a place where you have seen yourself to be in your dreams. Therefore, we should make ourselves a promise that whatever we will do from now, it will be to pursue our dream.
Some will say that I am a practical person and I don't believe in dreams.
My only response to them is by saying this only you have made yourself impractical.I mean to say that It may happen that you are not able to acheive your dream but if you are not dreaming then you are never going to reach there.In my view, it is better to spend the life striving to make your dream into reality than to live a life where there are no place for your own dreams.
As far as choosing your goal is considered, only two things must be kept in mind:
1. Your Interest.
2. Practical.

The goal that you have chosen should be of your interest or else you are never going to acheive it. For example, dont say that your dream is to become Sachin Tendulkar when your nerves dont get excited while playing cricket, Or don't say that you want to be Bill Gates when you have no interest in programming. Why, because if your dream is BIG, then while on the path to acheive that you are going to face many roadblocks and if your destination is not of your passion then a stage will come when you will not be able to cross that roadblock, Your passion only can give the energy to cross that roadblock.

The second point is practicality, By this I Mean that you should be practical,(For example, if you are lame and you have great interest in running, in that case dont make a dream to become USAIN BOLT, because that is not going to be satisfied).
Everyone has great potential residing in himself. So

"We have to do the best we are capable of.This is our sacred Human responsibility and anything less is unforgivable."

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