Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why does very few of us chase our dreams

Congratulations to Sachin for finally completing his century of centuries. At the end, he said one line that actually inspired me to write this post. He uttered "Chase your dreams as dreams do come true." How true !!
At childhood, whenever we discuss about future, I used to remeber that everyone has some great plans in their minds, all wanted to reach the top of the clouds. But now, after 10-15 years , if we look at our life or the way in which our life is  moving , will we be able to what we have thought sometime before ? In majority of cases, the answer will be No. Why does this happen ?? What prevents one from acting in a way that stops him one from acting bravely so that the dream can be acheived.I contemplated a lot and thought the following reasons :

1. Fear of Failure ->  Even before we start working on something, we start thinking about what will happen if we do not succeed in our endeavours ??Is it the right way to think ?. All great men whom we talk about like Bill Gateas, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, if we look at their life closely then we will realize that they were not afraid of fear of failure , thats for sure.Sorry for mentioning Sachin again, but I cannot resist from posting his one of sayings here "I learn more when I get out at 0 rather than when I score century." Also, my personal experience says that failure teaches us more than success since pondering on the causes of failure gives far better insights rather than when we acheive success. I read somehwere "A person who says that he has never failed in life implies that he has never tried anything new in his life"

2. What will others say ??  -> Why we use to think more about what others will say about us rather than what our conscience and heart says about ourself !! First, we do not want to live the life in our own way , why simply because we do not have enough confidence on oneself, then if we follow others and something happens , we say that it hapened because we heeded on advice of other person.I loved one line in "Rich Dad poor Dad" -> "It is better to be criticized rather than not being talked about at all,atleast you are being noticed". A quote from Mahatma Gandhi to all persons who wastes half their life in thinking that others will laugh at them if they decide to go in the direction in which they want “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

It is beyond any discussion that greater the dream , greater is the effort and greater is chance of failure but shall this stop us in pursuing our dreams. Afterall it is better to try and fail rather than not trying at all.
"If you can conceive it, you can acheive it".On thinking too much before acting, we will create a problem that was never their in the first place.

Our aim shall be to lay the castles in the air and trhen put the foundations under it , but what we are doing , we are building huts and thats below the ground , and what is more regretful -> We are more satisfied by living in such manner.

The main aim for me to write this post is to make one believe that anything is possible. Dream High, Live High and act in a manner such that in later life, you do not need to say that If i woulfd have shown a little bit of more courage at that moment of time, then my life would be different now.Best of luck to all for their endeavours.

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