Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Learn to take responsibility of your life

I believe that all of us must have heard or uttered the phrases similar to "My life is like this beacuse of him blah ... blah .."
But is it really true ? The first response that jumped from my mind is YES but still some part of my mind kept on saying that it cannot be true , so I have no other option except to think more deeply and here I am going to share my feelings.
One shall learn to take the responsibility for his own actions and the consequences. The person who is not able to do that , is revealing to the world that he is a man who is so powerless that he cannot take the responsibility of the things and events happening in his own life , how can we expect him to lead others ? Even if you believe that something such has happened , it is only because you have permitted that person to interfere with your life.
It is the human nature that one wants the credit for something good that he has done and blame others if things do not turn out as expected. In any case , you are the one who has taken the actions so whether the results are fruitful or fruitless , responsibility is entirely yours and not of anyone else. That is why I always use to say "suno sabki karo mann ki".
Similarly one has a habit of criticizing others , but folks remember, "Our opinion of others depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they makes us see in ourselves." Lemme explain , for example
If one says that he/she is selfish or jealous , that means the speaker knows that what is selfishness and the only way of knowing it is this that the speaker himself has acted with selfishness in one or more circumstances. Thus saying about one's character reveals more about yourself than about the other person you are talking about.It is similar to when you point finger at somebody, more fingers are pointed towards you only.
That is why , Abraham Lincoln said "I do not like that person , I ought to know him  more."
Folks, if you agree even to a little extent with my views , go back and analyze your life closely and you will find that whatever you are in life today is mainly due to your actions only and not of anyone else.

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