Monday, June 28, 2010


Today , development is a buzzing word , eveywhere it is very common to hear that we are developing at a pace unprecedented in the history, etc, etc.
but Are we really ?? What is the real development ?? What is the aim of development ??
In my view , the development is nothing more than making the life on earth more convenient for those who lives on it , but is it really happening ?? It needs a very careful and detailed analysis and I will like to give my views on various aspects .
As everthing has pros and cons , so is the development , thus we need to have a cost-benefit analysis of it ,  by cost I mean to refer to not only refer to economic costs , but also to social , environmental and other costs , etc.
For example , take Computers : today , it has really made our life easier , although it has some disadvantages like it weakens the eye but all of it are negligible as compared to its benefits , so in my view computer simulates development .
But on thye other hand , take progress in nuclear field , with every passing day , the threats to human life are continuously increaing . Although the supporters say that it will provide a lot of energy , but if we carefully analyze it then we will find out that the problem of nuclear wastes disposal , nuclear power plants are a great threat for us , and afterall Human life should not be compromised at any cost. Thus , Nuclear energy has more pros than cons , so we need to have another look at it . 
The most concerning thing for me with development is the degradation of Human Values , With every passing day there is continuous gap widening between the rich and poor and the struggle for survival is becoming tougher. If we compare the conditions of people living in the developed and under developed parts of the world then we will find out that there is a great difference , one side is on sky and other is below the ground . 
This Dual economy is of no good at all. Today we have become so skeptic of others that before helping them we are thinking twice ; parents being thrown out of house by children , increasing number of divorces , more killing in everyday clearly reflects that feeling of love and sympathy among human beings is slowly and slowly vanishing into thin air . Today more than 50% of the world money is spent on defence , just imagine if that money is spent on the welfare , then out own earth would be a Heaven .
Thus it is my humble request to developed nations and educated persons that it is our responsibility to make the world a better place to live in because You are the Ones that actually dominates the development . Help the other nations so that There is no more dual economy and please focus on other aspects of development rather than strengthening of your defence . The world needs your support.

Monday, June 14, 2010

take the first step

Yesterday I was reading a novel when I came across the lines
"You do not have to be great to start but you have to start to be great."
and I started thinking very deeply about it. It very frequently happens to us that we do not start something because we are afraid that there is no chance to acheive the desired result. It happens to all of us , it is natural but is it the correct way of deciding what to be done or not ?? I feels it is not . As I have previously said that fear of failure is one of our greatest fears and it greatly stops us from reaching to a level we are capable of.
If you want  something to do , just do it by giving your 100% and why to worry about results ? Afterall , God favours the fearless.
Being practical , There may be a chance that you may not get what you actually made attempt to but still this fact cannot be ignored , if you have not tried then anyway you are not going to acheive it so I personally feels that it is better to try and fail rather than not trying at all , afterall you are going to have satisfaction that at least you tried. 
"You are always going to miss 100% of the shots you didn't take."
Remember that
" The journey of thousand miles began with a single step. "
I have personally experienced that once I start the task then everything which looked difficult at the beginning surprisingly becomes easy with time and continuous effort and I am sure that you must have also experienced the same thing. If you have not , then I can only say that "You have not done anything in your life which is worth trying " Sorry but that is true .

So what and for whom you are waiting for , write down what you want to do and
just go and make the first attempt to do it .
Everything in the beginning seems to be difficult but just think that what could be our future if Edison , Bill Gates , Einstein hav not taken their first step . We all have the capability to affect the future and for that you need to have the great desire and the courage to take the first step and continuing your work with great dedication.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


You must have heard the proverb  Happiness is a journey not a destination .
But how many have actually understood the meaning of this and those who have understood the meaning , how many have really implemented it on thier lives, I believe very few.
I said the sme thing to my friend and he replied "Kahaan se rahu happy, life main itni saari tension hain, unka kya karoon ??"
And I started wondering that he is right , how can you be happy when so many depressing thoughts are always there going on through your mind.
So that is why I say "Happiness and sadness , both are the state of minds and nothing else."
I am posting the picture below that you should once see that if a person really wants to enjoy life , he can do that even in a all kinds of difficulties.

In  the picture just look at their condition…, No place to sleep still they had made some space for the cat and the dog…Water poring from the roof but each one of them have a peaceful smile on their face….. Simple amazing….!

Who does not have tension , everyone from Bill Gates to the beggar , everyone but as it is said, " you cannot control the situations and circumstances , only thing you can control is your attitude towards them . One differnce between the great and the common is their attitude towards the things which they do not want to occur in their life.
For example I know persons who have committed suicides after getting failed in their examination and also the persons who after getting failed were more motivated and today they are very successful in their life. So what separates them , only their mind , their realisation that all these problems are only a part of life and it should not deviate them from their path of life enjoyment .
I was once reading some novel and this line caught my attention , "Life is too short to be sad."
I really loved that line as it is indeed true , you do not know what is going to happen to you the next day ,so just enjoy with whatever you are getting in life , it also means that we should enjoy every moment of life and it should not like be that only once we reaches the goal, we will be satisfied.
I agree that there is too much suffering in the world that it is really difficult to be happy all the time and by doing this we are also increasing the suffering , I am not saying that you should close your eyes towards all the wrongdoings in the world and remain happy because it is also our duty as a man to improve the condition of the world but I only want to say that Whatever you do , do it happily and always from the heart.